About the Journal

Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics

Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics is a journal related to the field of computational mechanics, applied mathematics, modelling and simuation. This is a vast area of engineering research journal that publishes high quality research articles only. 


As a representative publication in the field of computational mechanics, the purpose of this journal is to promote the development of computational mechanics, promote the combination of this discipline and engineering practice, and carry out academic exchanges at home and abroad, providing a professional field for computational mechanics workers. The readers are mainly researchers in this field, engineering technicians, teachers and students of colleges and universities, and scientific research workers.

It mainly publishes the research results and practical experience of computational mechanics, and has a variety of columns : academic papers, comprehensive reviews, engineering applications, research briefs, program design and program introduction, short articles, special lectures, academic trends, problem discussions, etc.

This publication is an excellent natural science journal of universities and an excellent scientific and technological journal of the Ministry of Education .


Author Guidelines

The manuscripts selected by this journal are mainly based on whether they have innovation points and their academic and application value, and their performance in the following aspects: the scientific or engineering significance of the topic, the understanding and citation of scientific research progress, the method or its application Innovativeness, scientific methods and arguments, reasonable reliability of conclusions or results, characteristics of the discipline of computational mechanics, amount of information, and quality of writing .

This journal only accepts online submissions at http://www.jslxxb.cn/ . To register, please provide your real name, unit, detailed mailing address, contact number, zip code, e-mail, etc.

When submitting a manuscript, you must fill in the "Copyright Transfer Agreement" (which can be downloaded from the website of this journal). If you don't fill it in, the editorial department will treat it as the author's default.

Manuscripts in Chinese should be accompanied by an English title, an English translation of the work unit, and an English abstract. The author’s name should be written in Chinese pinyin, and Chinese and English keywords (about 5) should be attached. The text is refined and the derivation is simple. Academic papers should not exceed 6 pages of A4 paper, and research presentations or engineering applications should not exceed 4 pages of A4 paper (including diagrams and references). All papers belonging to national, provincial, and ministerial-level fund projects must be stated on the first page of the manuscript, and the project approval number should be noted.
Chinese and English abstracts: reflect the central content of the full text.

The appropriate number of Chinese characters is about 300 words, and that of English is about 300 words. Avoid using the first person in English abstracts. The content should include purpose, process and method, conclusion. It is required that the discussion be concise, logical, and use short sentences as much as possible. Please describe the author's work in the past tense and the author's conclusion in the present tense. Chinese and English abstracts should be basically consistent. Please carefully read EI's requirements for English abstracts (downloadable from the website of this journal).

The symbol adopts the international symbol system, and the simplified characters and scientific and technological terms are subject to the official announcement of the country. Foreign letters, symbols, corner marks, upper and lower case and fonts (such as italics, bold, etc.) should be clear and accurate. Current standards shall be adopted for engineering terminology, and quantities and units shall conform to national standards, and obsolete units shall not be used. Units do not use Chinese names, but are represented by legal symbols.

The figure titles, figure notes, table titles and table notes in the text are both in Chinese and English. The text in the figures and tables should also be bilingual in Chinese and English.

There are generally no more than 8 illustrations in the text, and the width of the picture should be 8cm or 8cm×2 (double columns). , the coordinate marking line faces inward; the table uses a three-line table, and there are no oblique lines or vertical lines in the table. Photographs and illustrations are compiled with a serial number in Arabic numerals.

References are placed at the end of the article, limited to those who have been personally read by the author, explicitly cited, published or documented. Number them in the order in which they appear in the text, and indicate the serial number in the upper right corner of the text. Examples are as follows:

1. a) Monographs, collections of theses, dissertations, reports [serial number] main responsible person. Document title [document type identification]. Publication place: publisher, year of publication. Starting and ending page numbers (optional).

2. b) Periodical article [serial number] main responsible person. Document title [J]. Journal title, year, volume (issue): start and end page numbers.

3. c) Collected monographs and papers [serial number] the main responsible person of the analyzed document. The title of the extracted document [A], the main responsible person of the original document (optional). The title of the original document [document type identification]. Publication place: publisher, publisher Year. Analyze the start and end page numbers of the document.

4. d) International and national standards [serial number] standard number, standard name [S].

5. e) Patent [serial number] patent owner. Patent title [P]. Patent country: patent number, publication date.

6. f) Electronic document [serial number] responsible person. Electronic document title [electronic document type identification/carrier type identification] source or available address of electronic document, date of publication or change/citation date (optional). Foreign language document description rules are the same as above.For foreigners' names, use abbreviations for the first name and no abbreviation point.

(Note: ① Document type identification: M—monograph, C—proceedings, J—journal, D—dissertation, R—report, S—standard, P—patent; ②electronic document type identification: BD—database, CP— Computer program, EB—electronic bulletin; ③carrier type identification: MT—tape, DK—disk, OL—online network.)

Acceptance and Copyright

After the manuscript has been reviewed and adopted, the author needs to revise the manuscript according to the requirements of the editorial department. The editorial department has the right to make necessary technical and textual changes to the manuscript. All authors should agree to transfer the copyright of their work (including the copyright of various media and media) to the editorial department of Journal of Computational Mechanics after the manuscript is published. Once the article is published, the journal will pay the author's remuneration and give away a copy of the sample issue according to the author's signature.

Authors should not submit more than one manuscript .

Focus and Scope

"Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics" mainly publishes the research results and practical experience of computational mechanics, including various types of numerical analysis, optimization design, finite element method, computer-aided design technology and corresponding software development, etc. Extensive exchange of various new ideas, new theories, new technologies and new methods about computational mechanics, as well as new experiences for engineering services. The journal has a variety of columns: academic papers, engineering applications, comprehensive reviews, program design, program introduction, research briefings, essays, special topics, lectures, academic trends, and discussion of issues. "Journal of Computational Mechanics" welcomes free contributions from domestic and foreign authors.


Current Issue

No. 5 (2023)
Published: 2023-10-31


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